Find Your Calling!

I’m sitting at Starbucks coffee right now and as random as it might be, I just get reminded of what my friend said about deciding on who you want to marry (such a big topic! Ha). Suddenly, while sitting in the corner of this coffee shop, I am thinking of my “calling”. I remember my friend once said “Another huge thing when deciding on who you want to be with is knowing who you are, how God has designed you and CALLED you to do”. It doesn’t mean that we have to know every detail of our lives but we have to know the things that we love and want to prioritize. Because you want someone that can support you and do life with.

I don’t know if I have written about this on my previous blog or not. Well, I think I did (check out I love talking about fashion, beauty and style but above those things, I love talking about identity! Many girls out there are struggling to find their identity in this world. You can’t find your identity in this world; you can only find your identity in Christ because He’s the One who created you! Just like a baby who is born to the world and doesn’t know who he/she is until their parents give a name to him/her, we have to find our identity from our Father in heaven.

I know that I am called to talk about this stuff. Therefore, I know with all my heart that I have to find someone who agrees with the things that I talk about. Someone who also found their identity in Christ and is willing to encourage me to keep talking  about it.

When people get involved in a relationship without knowing each of their callings, it might cause a trouble in the future. It’s as simple as this: You can’t be with someone that does not support your calling, but, you can’t find someone who does support your calling if you don’t even know what your calling is. Hopefully you get my point here. Pray and ask God about it.

I will end this post with a devotional reading that I got from “Know Your Why: Finding & Fulfilling Your Calling” devotional by John Piper:

“Finding our passions—answering the question “what do you want?"—is crucial to finding our callings. Rarely is that question easily answered. For most, determining what we truly want is a profound psychological process: a journey of discovery that takes time to travel and that can lead us in different directions at different points in our lives.
So it was for the disciples (read John 1:38-39). They didn’t know what they wanted—only that they were searching for something. When Jesus asked them, ‘What do you want?’ they didn’t know how to answer. Instead they sidestepped it with a question of their own: “Where are you staying?”(John 1:38)

The inference from the disciples’ question is clear: We don’t know the answer to your question. We’re not sure what we’re seeking. We don’t know where we’re going. But we do know that we want to spend time with you, to abide with you, to learn more about you. Because if You truly are who John says You are (Son of God), then maybe you will be able to show us what we truly are seeking/called to do (I added it).

Jesus’ simple response to the disciples also acknowledged their unspoken questions. The words, “Come and see where I’m staying,” meant, “Come and find out the plans that I have for you: the callings and the passions that I will give/have given to you.” And that is EXACTLY what the disciples did. They entered the house seeking—but they left sought.”

Search for Him then, you will find Him then, you will find your calling. (then maybe, just maybe you will find the man who supports your calling too ;) )

Enjoy your journey with God! <3 


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