Stop This Train

So I've been listening to this song called "Stop This Train" over and over again for these past few weeks. This song has made me really think of this life. Just like John Mayer, sometimes I just want to stop the train and get off and go home. But we know that we can never stop the time, life is moving so fast and we are incapable to stop the time. Suddenly this question showed up in my mind "Yem, what do you want to do for God with the time that you have?" Sometimes we get caught up with the busyness of this world and we forget that this train of life will eventually stop at one point. In the book of Ecclesiastes, it says that everything under the sun is meaningless. We don't remember what happened in the past and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now (Ecclesiastes 1:11) but I like how Solomon closed the chapter of this book, he wrote "Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey His commands". Wow! I know sometimes we feel like we're in this train of life that's moving so fast and sometimes we feel like everything that we do will be meaningless once we reach our "final destination". But remember if you fear God and obey His commands, when the train stops you will never regret of the long journey that you took with the train!


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